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Friday, July 20, 2007

YAYNESS! COOLNESS! EFC has got a new skin! All thanks to KIT!

She's super efficient, like me! HAHAS. I gave her the pictures in the late afternoon and ta-dah! It's done before 9!

We should therefore, embrace efficiency. =)


The Superstar;
penned down her thoughts
@ {8:53 PM}

I'm so disturbed by the fact that BB keeps on emphasizing that Elaine gave up during the revival round. He even go and tags at someone's blog saying that 'Elaine obviously gave up'.

Please la, who are you to assume that 'Elaine obviously gave up'? Just because she never reach your expectation, you condemned her. Posting your so-called frank comments on the tabloid and let everyone read it? Yeah right. You even said that if that's her best, she shouldn't be singing for the rest of her life. I hope you don't get yourself into some serious troubles by Elaine's fans for asking her not to sing for the rest of her life.

Elaine really did her best on stage. You ain't no psychologist. You are not even her closest friend, so who are you to judge her? I know her best, I believed she never once had the thought of giving up. She did her best and if you are not happy, thats it. We can't do anything too. Humans are never satisfied.

At least Elaine set the highest score of 23.5 for the females and nobody has yet to break the record. Nobody can deny that she has a natural good vocal to start off with. It just pissed me off seeing such biased comments. Especially, it is made by some so-called professional blogger.

Elaine, you have my trust. Even if the whole world doesn't believe that you did your best, you still have me.


ps/ please stop tagging on the tagboard and ask me to upload the videos elsewhere. If youtube can send me 100+ warning emails, I believed other websites will do the same. I have all the videos, but its for personal use only. If you really want it so badly, just leave down your email. But don't be so ridiculous to ask me to send all, it takes forever alright.

The Superstar;
penned down her thoughts
@ {4:57 PM}

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hey people. I'm feeling so shuang when I read the Channel U webpage.

For those who didn't know, ytd Zhiyang and Diya were cheering for Elaine too. See! Even CSS1 and PSS2 champions agreed that Elaine has the most potential to go far. This is the kind of recognition I meant.

Anyway, here's a short extract of the article.

实力派女唱将黄意凌现场支持者众多,就连第一届【校园SuperStar】的冠军黄智阳和【绝对SuperStar2】的女冠军陈迪雅都为她加油打气....Check this out.

I realized our Elaine Elaine cheer was really loud! You could hear from the clip itself!


The Superstar;
penned down her thoughts
@ {8:40 PM}

It's like finally over. I really think Elaine did a great job yesterday. She deserves higher marks.

Thanks to those who gave Elaine your support by voting her in yesterday. And to those who came down yesterday and supported her all the way to the results show. It's really very touching to see everyone cheered so loud for Elaine in Mediacorp. Those who were there live, can see that the spirit of Elaine's fans were damn high! Even non-Elaine supporters were cheering for her! What's better than having other people's recognition?

Innovians! You all were great yesterday! All those cheers had became a trademark for Elaine. We were the ones leading the cheers and we definitely did a great job. It's so fantastic to show others Innova's school spirit! Now, who dare to say IJC is a school from nowhere?

I believed Elaine did her best on stage yesterday and we also did our best in voting her in. It's really such a pity that she's not revived. Well, but since we did our best, there shouldn't be any regrets right? Even if there should be, it shouldn't be us who are regretting of not voting enough. It should be MDC's loss of losing such a talented singer.

And fyi, Campus Superstar ain't about talents, ain't about popularity, it's all about being rich. You are rich and willing to vote and there! The place into the next round is yours. What's the point of voting yourself in when you do not deserve it. Perhaps in the short run, you can still last for a round or two. But when time gets longer, how long can you last? Even if you get the title of the champion but you are not that deserving, do you think you will gain the least respect from other?

What I wanted to say is, it's not that Elaine's fans are not that rich, never vote enough, Elaine is not that popular, fan-base not large enough, school's not supporting, wrong song, or whatever crap reason you all can think of, it's just that the others are more willing to throw their money into the sea. That's all.

And who says Elaine is not popular etc etc? At least her votes and popularity still remains second on the list of the revival round.

Lastly, let me give you an analogy: For contestant A, 1 supporter votes 1000 votes. For contestant B, 100 supporters vote 1000 votes.

Now, you tell me, which contestant is more popular? The former? Or the latter?

I guess this will marks the end of updating Elaine's news. She will now get back to serious studying and do well for her As. Then, she will go to a good University and prove to those who doesn't see the talent in her that she will be way better off without them.

JIAYOU ELAINE! You will always and forever be the campus superstar in our hearts.


ps/css2 videos on youtube are no longer viewable as I received 100+ of warning emails asking me to remove it or they shall delete my account.-.-

The Superstar;
penned down her thoughts
@ {3:25 PM}

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hey people! Elaine will be F6 on Monday!

Vote 1900-112-3306!

or SMS F6 to 71199!

Every VOTE counts! Your support are very much appreciated. ((:

Perhaps I should sidetrack abit, I have been actively reading the CSS website forum. And I'm really shocked at the negative remarks written on Elaine's thread. I mean, if its constructive comments, I don't mind. But it's just some silly personal attacks made by some inferior twits who are such an attention desperado. What I wanna say is Elaine doesn't owe you anything. So for heaven's sake, stop this nonsense (I doubt they will read this anyway and I doubt their ability to read also). I think I should stop rebutting the silly comments, because I realise by replying them will make me silly also.

AND it's NOT Keely's fault of Elaine's elimination. So please stop going to Keely's thread and start scolding her. What's worse, dragging Elaine in. I don't want the fans of other contestants to mistaken Elaine's fans of being uncultured and uncivilised people who only know how to sprout profanities and make silly comments, just like the attention desperadoes I mentioned earlier.

If you all really want to stand up for Elaine, just do your part by VOTING her next Monday. Action speaks louder than words right? I know there's many people out there who wanted Elaine to be out permanently, so the more we should prove them wrong!

Elaine, we know you can do it!

要争一口气! 我们永远挺你!但最重要是要保持一颗平常心,得失不要看得太重,那么一切的荆棘都会因你而迎刃而解。



The Superstar;
penned down her thoughts
@ {5:22 PM}

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Oh yeah! Latest news!

Elaine confirmed will sing 好眼泪,坏眼泪 by 徐若萱。For those who haven't heard of that song, it is the 片尾曲 for 转角*遇到爱。

It's a super nice song. I believe Elaine can do well for her revivals. Do give her your fullest support alright!



The Superstar;
penned down her thoughts
@ {10:05 PM}

As you all would have know, Elaine was eliminated last night. Seriously, I was very affected by it. I don't think its the votes which got her out. If the results are so expected, there will be nothing much to look forward to right? So far i know, I voted 120, Jas voted 100, Mr Lee keep on voting non stop, Mr Sim too. And also her parents, her relatives. In terms of fans, I don't think we have much to lose to the other fanclubs. Really.

Oh well, we have done our part to vote. Elaine has done her part by doing her very best. Thou its not her best performance among the 3 performance so far, but we couldn't deny that she's blessed with a good vocal right? I'm sure she will do well for her revivals. And from past experience, those who entered the semifinals from revival go far right. I'm sure Elaine will be the next superstar.

Elaine's computer is still down. So on behalf of her, I would want to thank those who came down to mediacorp to support Elaine. Innovians, teachers, Ex-Bpians, friends, fans etc. You guys did a great job! The cheerleading is definitely the best yesterday.

老套也要说一句,Elaine, 你永远是我们的Superstar!

Do continue to support her for the revival! You really won't want to see her getting eliminated again. So, I sincerely urge you all to vote for her for the revival. Thou it may be mediacorp's decision of letting who to enter the semifinals, but we shall not risk it right. Better be safe than sorry.

加油 Elaine!


The Superstar;
penned down her thoughts
@ {3:18 PM}


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